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Aim for Industry 4.0 in Your Business!

By February 12, 2020August 1st, 2024No Comments

Industry 4.0 and Its History

Industry 4.0 is not just robotics; it is related to the number of processes, types of products, and business models to innovate and provide autonomous services.

A well-known concept related to this revolution is the “Internet of Things” (IoT). You may be wondering how this is applicable and what it is for; IoT applies intelligence and automation to everyday objects to reduce rigorous human processes.

A key example is the Spanish company Libelium, which has long experience in marketing electronic sensors for smart cities that water gardens, turn on lights, manage traffic, and smart parking—everything fully interconnected!


History of Industrial Automation

First Industrial Revolution: dates back to the mid-18th century in the Kingdom of Great Britain. The main resources used were steam and coal for large machinery.


The second industry is known for mass production through electric lines, which began in the mid-19th century in Europe and America. During this time, automobiles were invented, and a Fordian movement emerged to manufacture them quickly between man and machine. This method is quite efficient, and we describe it below.


Principles of Taylor’s Methodological Model

  1. Eliminate inefficient processes
  2. Place suitable personnel
  3. Compensation per unit of work
  4. Specialization and planning by managers


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Scientific-Technological Revolution (3.0) includes computing and electronics to have renewable energies and smart grids. It emerged in the 20th century.


Birth of Industry 4.0

This is a concept that originated in Germany by its Government at the Hannover Fair in 2011. Since then, several countries in Europe and the United States have committed to implementing it.

Some projects related to it since then include:

Projections of the Current Industry

  • It is necessary to study each of the devices in the industry and if they can be connected to a network. Incorporating these objects into large processes is necessary to obtain alterable physical variables that, after digital processing, provide coherent responses to changes in their environment.
  • Having these technologies means not having territorial limitations but large expansions and distributed control centers that will require temporary maintenance and no man-hours intervention.
  • Considering current climate changes, it is essential to use resources that do not harm nature; therefore, incorporating 4.0 technologies means not discarding resources that were thought lost – Don’t miss our Podcast How to Contribute to the Environment from the Digital Environment? 
  • Trained personnel for managing large volumes of data – World Economic Forum
  • Growth of companies due to the emergence of new business models




Now that you know the significant challenges posed by the rapid advancement of technology, don’t hesitate to seek help to achieve a final product tailored to your customers.

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