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Remarketing ads are very effective on Facebook Store, learn how to make them here!

Being able to make public ads on the web, with reach and low costs, is completely possible. The technological advances of web cookies will be our best allies and will be able to give us all the necessary information about a user who previously visited the page for a specific article. This user will return, thanks to a special ad reminder

Considering this previous information…

What is Remarketing?

Remarketing is a technique for generating content with the opportunity for return. The target audience will be those users who previously visited your page for a specific interest, but for some reason, at that time, did not complete an action. This could be scheduling a call, filling out a form, interacting with a chat widget, among other actions.

To achieve this list of visitors and turn them into customers, it will be necessary to use an ad manager, such as Google Adwords, which has a long history of contacting large clients.

How Does the Technique Work?

The steps are simple to implement remarketing. Just consider these three initial actions to capture the user:

  1. User:
  • The user interested in a keyword “little seed” searches on Google, and since it is a semantic word for your business brand, it appears as a SERP and ends up going to the website.
  • Your ad appears when the user types the word “little seed.”
  • The ad appears on another website as a graphic.
  1. The Google Ads manager will tag that user who makes contact through a cookie.
  2. The manager has a classified list with this tag, of several users who entered for the same reason.
  3. Final step, send a proposal with a SUPER hook for this customer to say “I will buy it.”

Voilà! 100% effective conversions

What Are Cookies?

Cookies are no more than user preference files. They are requested each time a website is accessed.

Normally, this information is seen in the page’s policies and conditions when you log in. Oh yes! The same ones that no one reads

cookies-mensaje-de-mas-informacionAt least for the big magnate Google Ads, the data they take from users for Display is done by assigning a unique number, called NID Cookie; this cookie transfers the user’s personal information to the Adsense account owner.

Other types of cookies associated with these ads can also be obtained, those that depend on the number of clicks per ad “__gcl”, those responsible for avoiding too many ad appearances, and others that make ads relevant to you.

If you want to know more details about them, click here

Benefits and Basic Considerations

This type of campaign technique helps rethink where you are focusing the strength of your content and what aspects are good to analyze to reach your ideal customer. If you still do not know how to define that customer, you can visit this article How to Define Your Ideal Customer or Buyer Persona? 

At Trópico, we have gathered the following points in favor of applying this strategy:

  • While the campaign is running, the metrics obtained help to know if the content is effective.
  • It is possible to organize several lists of the different possibilities that the business can offer its users.
  • You have large audiences, not only from your region but also outside of it.
  • It is much safer to get customers with this strategy because, the first time, the service is not acquired.
  • Applying this strategy allows you to rethink initial campaigns and also what content can be offered.
  • You can identify the right times and moments to show your ads. 

You don’t want to find your customer angry from seeing you too often!

Remarketing Campaign Example

According to David C. Rubin, a cognitive psychologist at Duke University, our memories work better when there are many hooks and loops to connect our minds with memories. To Tom Breeze, a great digital marketer, confirms that nothing is better for humans than capturing information through videos.

For him, these three characteristics of video are important to create a connection with your user:

  • What they see.
  • The emotion generated, their feelings.
  • And finally, what they hear.

So, how can we make our remarketing campaigns effective with videos?

It’s not all about creating impactful and allusive graphics. Currently, the community always turns to YouTube because it is the place to learn easily due to its large volumes of content.

Now, what can I consider to do it?

  1. Cover: It is extremely important that this is simple and attractive for that viewer, who among many videos is interested only in yours.
  2. Speech: A brief introduction of why the video will be useful. A very typical phrase would be “In this video, I’m going to show you how to _______, so you can _________”.
  3. Credibility: The user is very skeptical, make them believe they should listen to you through evidence.
  4. Content: These must be of high quality.
  5. CTA: Make your invitation.


Don’t forget that authenticity is important, so don’t deliver generic content and more of the same.

Now, if you’ve already made your video, let’s proceed with advertising our first ad on Facebook Ads.


Creating my first Facebook Ads ad for my Website

Although Google Ads is responsible for having the largest affiliate Display. Their ads are advertised at very low costs, and Facebook is not far behind. Social Media activity is currently very active, and with this manager, you will be reaching several communities.


Creating a pixel for the website

Having our Facebook page, we must bear in mind that all ad creation is done through Facebook Business

Therefore, the first thing we must do is locate ourselves there, first we go to our Personal profile, as if we were going to Settings → Business Manager:


Once there, we proceed to locate the option of Business Settings → Data Sources → Pixelsmain-screen-business-settings

This pixel will allow us to track those actions taken on our website. Being there, we click on + Add

Then, a form like this will appear:

What actions should Facebook measure with its traffic campaign directed to your previously configured page? These would be some:

  • Visitor users
  • Customers who have made a purchase
  • Users who fill out forms
  • Those who fill their cart
  • And the important ones, conversions!


This pixel is manually attached, so you just need to click on create and attach your website.

If you have WordPress, Facebook will make the task much easier, but if not, you must do it manually.


You will end up copying the Pixel code and integrating it into your website. It is completely transparent!When you have done it, be sure to continue with the questions in that same pop-up window that will lead you to a part of testing, you should have a registration form, at least, so that Facebook marks it as an effective installation.



I don’t have a Store or E-commerce, I advertise through a form

If you do not have a Cart Store like Mercado Libre, do the following:

Go to the Business Settings section → Event Manager → Create +


A box like this will appear, select the first option


Choose the objective. And finally your audience that has visited your website.


Remarketing strategies require a bit of deep knowledge and at first glance it seems complex, but the truth is it’s just about starting with a small test.

Think very carefully about your ad content and you will achieve what you want.

I hope this post has been very useful to you!

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