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Episode #003 of Camino al Trópico, is a flavorful space made by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs. Today we will learn with the founder of Terret about how he consolidated his brand in more than 5 countries.
Led by Jose from Trópico Digital, a digital marketing and online advertising agency.
Hello! I am very happy to share this blog with you, where you will learn more about how to Consolidate Your Brand with a story about all the ups and downs of entrepreneurship, learning from someone who has mastered offering consumer experiences to consolidate his brand.
In this episode of the Camino al Trópico podcast, get to know more about the world of entrepreneurship through the experience of Alejo Gonzalez, founder of Terret.
If you are just discovering Tropico, I invite you to subscribe to our podcast. It will be very helpful if you are in the world of entrepreneurship if you are into brand design, if you are passionate about marketing, and if you want to take your business to the next level!
How to create a brand?
Consolidating your brand, no matter what it represents, is not an overnight job! Alejandro Gonzalez knows this better than anyone, as he went from being a designer of sports shirts with a small business to occupying a space in the international market and offering experiences for outdoor sports enthusiasts.
As a result, he has had to experience everything from unexpected situations, resilience in the face of fear, and even battling an invisible enemy, like anxiety. These are situations Alejo has faced to consolidate his brand.
Above all, Alejandro talks about the process that led him to give 100 percent to the entrepreneurship he is passionate about. Terret Sport is Alejo’s project, which carries the motto “After all, it was always about being better than you were yesterday.” In other words, this philosophy, which can easily be applied to many aspects of our lives, is particularly relevant in the sports field which Alejo knows very well, resulting in a brand consolidated in more than 5 countries.
After all, it was always about being better than you were yesterday!
Terret is a brand that is positively impacting athletes through high-quality products, exclusivity, and style.
Enjoy this podcast about how to consolidate your brand….. and as the brain behind the Terret idea says – Welcome to the family madafaka! ….. Enough introduction, hit play!
2:50 “It is a brand that is migrating a bit to the theme of experiences and not just staying in clothing but working for athletes in all areas.”
3:28 I was always interested in entrepreneurship; two ideas before graduating did not end well, fear got the better of me. It’s like they say, “How do you even think of that?”
I abandoned the project, but the desire to create something that was mine remained… I felt stuck as an employee.
5:35 I went to do a master’s degree… I told my bosses I needed 2 months to handle all the arrangements.
6:23 While I had some free time, I have always loved working, so I decided to start exercising, and I didn’t like any of the clothes available.
I always believe it’s a matter of combining what you want with the opportunity that arises.
7:52 Literally… the first project of the brand started with just $22 dollars.
8:35 I started going to the gym with those 3 shirts, and people who saw me said, “Hey, that’s cool.”
9:05 I then released a collection of 16 garments, and it sold out instantly!
I thought, this is a great business.
12:40 Culturally, we are very closed… and you realize why companies fail, why entrepreneurial projects fail.
14:20 While playing football, I had a terrible injury, a fracture of the tibia, fibula, and ankle ligaments.
15:50 Calling suppliers, sitting in front of the computer, sold three times more than in previous months.
16:17 Many people carry their entrepreneurial projects alongside their main job.
17:15 That’s when I quit the company! When I took that step, it was alarming for my family. “What if it doesn’t work?” But it has to work.
I was never diligent. In school and university, I wasn’t the most dedicated, but when I started doing things I was passionate about, I think that was the key.
21:00 Two crucial habits: Passion and discipline.
21:36 I believe staying in the market requires suffering for it, living for it, and being passionate about it.
23:13 Now you see companies founded 8 years ago and generating massive revenue. That was not seen before.
23:50 There are very tough moments when you want to throw in the towel.
25:06 I feel it’s very important to be able to look back.
26:40 It would have
26:40 It would have been really tough if I had quit two years ago when things were very dark because we had a heavier financial burden.
Quitting is very easy and it’s sad to think, if I had quit, what would I have missed out on?
28:02 My life has changed a lot because of so much work and having so much passion for this dream.
28:30 I feel that right now I’m just starting to not improve that part, but to understand it.
28:59 Many personal relationships and the way I relate to people have changed.
29:27 Two years ago, I was diagnosed with severe anxiety.
30:30 Before, when the company was not stable, I would leave here at 10 PM and go home to crunch numbers.
32:40 People tell you “You built something big out of nothing” And it may be relatively big, it may be minimal but you forget because of the daily grind.
I would have changed several things. Mainly, I would have taken many decisions more quickly.
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34:11 There is a constant fear about money. And you forget that money exists. You don’t have to invent anything. What you are doing is taking a risk.
36:37 Make decisions now and learn not to be afraid when you know it’s going to work.
36:59 Pay less attention to people.
37:53 I would follow more what I study, what I analyze, and what I believe about the business. The passion with which I am going to work on things rather than listening to one person.
39:40 It’s super positive, and a piece of advice I give is to be capable of envisioning the future organizational chart.
40:24 I am more of an entrepreneur than a businessperson.
41:40 I don’t see dreaming like that as a mistake. It’s easier to aim high and work hard to make it happen. And if it doesn’t work out, still try to reach as high as possible.
43:40 I don’t advise stressing out, not at all. I think it’s great to be doing what you are passionate about.
44:00 I think people could do an infinite number of things with the time they have.
45:10 We need to take advantage of this moment of mass communication and the internet to fill ourselves with things.
Do you have any advice you’d like to give to entrepreneurs?
I would like many people starting in business to forget that having debt is bad. Really, if you don’t have debts, you are not growing enough.
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Hey, before I go:
Do you want to be the next interviewee or do you want to nominate someone? Let me know in the comments