Learn to use the Customer Journey Map tool here
Now that you know and understand who the person you want as your customer is, it’s time to go even deeper. It’s time to use the Customer Journey Map tool. As I have mentioned before, this is where we will outline the journey your user takes to achieve the desired solution. We do this to understand the user at each stage of the process and to analyze the opportunities you have to design a better experience for them.
Are we ready? Well, start by downloading the chart Here.
In the image, you will find at the top a horizontal row that represents the 3 basic stages a user goes through before buying a product or service.
The stages of Brand Awareness, Consideration, and then Purchase. In the left side column, there will be the points to evaluate at each stage of the process.
Let’s start, remember that in the awareness stage your user does not know you or your business, maybe they don’t even know your competition, but they are aware that they have a problem. In the left column, track and write down your user’s activities to find out about or become informed of a possible solution. Write down the touchpoints with that information. For example, Social Media, TV Ads, Family, and Friends, among others.
Also, evaluate the experience of that user at each stage, write down if it is positive or negative, and how the user feels at that point. This way, you will find many opportunities for improvement. See the example I leave for you to understand better.
At each stage of the journey, you must do this analysis, so you will fully understand all the work your avatar goes through, from recognizing a problem, educating themselves on possible solutions, to selecting a service or product that satisfies them.
In the example I share, you can clearly see the process a user goes through to book a hotel room. I show you step by step from the desire to travel to a destination to the factors that led them to decide on their reservation. Follow this example, so you will understand the process very well and be able to create your own.
If the above has been useful to you and you think I can help you take your strategy and your business to the next level, then I invite you to click here and schedule a 20-minute call with me or someone from the team to get to know you better and guide you to the next level.
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