Tips for Starting Your Campaign with WhatsApp Business
Mark Zuckerberg and his big company Facebook acquired WhatsApp in 2014. Since then, they have managed to incorporate a large number of new features into this service, widely used today.
Even by 2017, the new WhatsApp Business application was introduced. The app is very useful for small and medium-sized businesses to avoid spam on the platform and make the offer of services and products much more practical with a catalog, also automating messages and organizing conversations with labels.
Installation and Some Considerations for Its Use
To install WhatsApp Business, you only need a phone line exclusively for this application, regardless of the provider.
Keep in mind that this application is primarily designed for iOS or Android smartphones. You can also use this WhatsApp Business line from your computer with some limitations, but here it is explained.
However, before installing and committing to using this service, it is necessary to consider its policies and conditions, summarized below in order of priority:
- “Involve sending illegal or unacceptable communications, such as bulk messaging, automated messaging, auto-dialing, and similar methods” – no excessively sending too many messages to strangers; it’s considered spam or even harassment.
- Something very common is receiving messages from Aunt María about TV raffles. The truth is that WhatsApp considers this activity defamatory, so avoid it because WhatsApp can block you for “the publication of falsehoods, misrepresentations, or misleading statements”
- Sending a broadcast message to many contacts who do not have you added in their contact list can be considered an infringement of privacy rights, publicity, intellectual property or author, or other individual property rights
- Using extra applications (such as ChatBots) for WhatsApp are considered “derivative works” and encourage repetitive messaging. Although they can be very useful, they risk getting you blocked. If you install them, use them consensually.
Considering the above and agreeing, you can proceed with the installation, and Trópico will help you summarize it in just 3 steps:
- Locate the application in your device’s App Store. If it’s Android, you can find the WhatsApp Business on Google Play Store or, if it’s iOS, in the Apple Store
- Once the application is downloaded, you need to accept the terms and conditions, press Next, and enter your phone number. The app will send a verification code via SMS (it also gives you the call option), and you will confirm it in the field in the app.
- Enter a business name (this will be fixed forever, think about it VERY WELL).
How to Organize My Conversations Within the App?
Despite having blocks because WhatsApp monitors the number of outgoing messages to unknown numbers, you can easily consider the option of communicating under the URL<number> where <number> is a full phone number in international format. You can place this in your Instagram profile or ads created on your website or Facebook, the latter having the option to attach it as a button.
When users write to you directly, despite the quantity, WhatsApp does not penalize this activity.
With this recommendation, let’s recreate the scenario where you have at least 8 client conversations in your inbox. How to provide good follow-up?
During the Purchase Process
You can use labels, placing as many as you want per conversation. At Trópico, we suggest incorporating labels to categorize the type of client, as follows:
- Clients A: Loyal clients who promote the company with recommendations, buy regularly, and make payments on time.
- Clients B: Potential clients who may not buy regularly.
- Clients C: Those for whom price or product quality is important.
- Clients D: Those who make many criticisms, want excessive benefits, and buy at high prices. They are a headache; get rid of them!
Then, you can consider the default WhatsApp labels such as New Order, Pending Payment, and Paid to help you keep track of the client’s purchase process.
Labels marked as Order Completed can be archived. This way, you will have a clean inbox, only managing those with the three previous labels.
Having information at hand during the conversation process with the client is essential. That’s why in November 2019, WB launched an update allowing the incorporation of a product catalog to send to users. Keep this list up to date.
You can get this catalog by following these steps:
First, locate the Settings option, found in the three-dot symbol in the corner.
Then, select the first option of Business Settings → Catalog → “+”
Note: the first time you open this option, WhatsApp gives a reference message for offering the services. You end up accepting.
Finally, it will appear to upload your product.
Luego, procedemos a seleccionar la primera opción de Ajustes de empresas → Catálogo → “+”
Nota: la primera vez que abres esta opción, WhatsApp te da un mensaje de referencia por ofrecer los servicios, terminas por aceptar.
Y finalmente, te aparecerá para cargar tu producto o servicio al catálogo. Muy parecido a esto:
Puedes agregar hasta 10 imágenes. Te recomendamos coloques el máximo de detalles para cada producto; porque esto pasa a ser revisado por WhatsApp Business, dependiendo de la empresa, esta verificación puede demorar aproximadamente 5 mins.
Finalmente, ya podrás enviar tus productos por mensajes a tus clientes
Un aspecto positivo de enviar estos catálogos, es que los clientes ingresan a ver la ficha del producto y tienen un botón para escribirte en referencia a esa producto que desea concretar la compra o hacer una consulta particular.
¿Por qué te imaginarás no tener un control por hilos de lo que va preguntando el cliente? Sería un completo desastre.
Conversión de Clientes de C → B → A
Si deseas conocer un poco más sobre este proceso de compra que realiza el cliente y no sabes bien cómo abordarlo ¡No dejes de visitar este artículo sobre Cómo usar el Customer Journey Map!
Una vez ese cliente te ha escrito por WhatsApp; es fundamental que realices una comunicación activa con tus clientes y te sigan comprando, o bien, realicen su primera compra, te dejamos estas posibles acciones a realizar.
Algunas actividades para llevar una campaña por WhatsApp Business
- Realizar una serie de estados donde puedas anunciar los nuevos productos y servicios, además de los nuevos productos y servicios.
- Enviar mensajes de difusión (recuerda usar de forma precavida) ofreciendo tus sorteos, aprovechando de hacer link a tus redes sociales.
- Aprovecha de usar nuevamente los estados, para publicar los contenidos gratuitos que ofrece la marca.
¡No dejes pasar por alto esta oportunidad!
Evita pasar a tu cliente por un protocolo para la adquisición de información de los productos. La rapidez que te permite WhatsApp de responder en 1 minuto, es la forma más práctica para concretar ventas.
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Then, we proceed to select the first option of Business Settings → Catalog → “+”
Note: the first time you open this option, WhatsApp will give you a reference message for offering the services. You end up accepting it.
Finally, you will see the option to upload your product or service to the catalog. It looks something like this:
You can add up to 10 images. We recommend you include as many details as possible for each product; because this will be reviewed by WhatsApp Business. Depending on the company, this verification can take approximately 5 minutes.
Finally, you can send your products through messages to your customers.
A positive aspect of sending these catalogs is that customers can view the product details and have a button to write to you regarding the product they want to buy or ask a specific question.
Can you imagine not having control over the threads of what the customer is asking? It would be a complete disaster.
Customer Conversion from C → B → A
If you want to learn more about this purchase process that the customer goes through and you don’t know how to approach it, don’t miss this article on How to Use the Customer Journey Map!
Once that customer has written to you on WhatsApp, it is essential to maintain active communication with your customers so they keep buying from you, or make their first purchase. Here are some possible actions to take.
Some Activities to Run a Campaign on WhatsApp Business
- Create a series of status updates to announce new products and services, as well as promotions.
- Send broadcast messages (remember to use them cautiously) offering your giveaways and linking to your social media accounts.
- Take advantage of using statuses again to post the free content offered by the brand.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity!
Avoid putting your customer through a protocol to obtain product information. The speed that WhatsApp offers to respond within a minute is the most practical way to close sales.
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